Understanding hypothyroidism in men

Understanding hypothyroidism in men

Thyroid disorders, including hypothyroidism, are less common in men, but men can also be affected by this hormonal disorder. The lower incidence of the disorder in men can lead to under-diagnosis and treatment delays. To remedy this problem, raising awareness of this...
Hashimoto’s disease: signs, causes and treatment

Hashimoto’s disease: signs, causes and treatment

Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid gland. It can have serious health consequences for the individuals concerned and cause problems that prevent the body from working properly. As Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is a complex...
What diet to follow if you have hyperthyroidism ?

What diet to follow if you have hyperthyroidism ?

Hyperthyroidism is a serious disease characterized by an excess of thyroid hormones that requires a serious medical diagnosis. Hyperthyroidism is usually treated with antithyroid drugs or with surgery. However, a healthy diet can also improve your health and...
What to eat during a low iodine diet?

What to eat during a low iodine diet?

Some medical treatments require following a low iodine diet. Although it might seem difficult to do, following this type of diet is essential to the success of these treatments. With a little imagination, it will still be possible to keep the pleasure of eating good...


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